Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Follow-up: Redevelop the concept of a review

This exercise was originally posted at: http://maritimeorca0.blogspot.com/2012/04/redevelop-concept-of-review.html

The Task

Redevelop the concept of a review. To do this, find any subject that you want and review it.

My Idea

I'm not a writer, and I don't expect anyone to enjoy the words that I use. Perhaps I can find people who like what I'm saying more than how I'm saying it. For that reason, I feel that a review needs to be to the point. I have decided to categorize the pros and cons of my subject. These points will feature a plus, minus, or dot to indicate a positive, negative, or neutral (but worth mentioning) point. I will also try not to put the simplest ideas into full sentences, reducing the required reading for my review.

At the top (to make sure that I'm to the point), I will include a score of 1 to 5 with a quick summary. That's not much of a range, but the subtleties of large ranges are more likely to include emotions and other issues irrelevant to the review itself. If I really feel too restricted, I can always use half points. Even with these half points available, I want to avoid using them unless full points really don't seem appropriate.

I will also include information regarding bias. Everybody is biased, and it's generally better to address bias rather than ignore it. I will explain what bias I think will influence the review and how I will address the problem. In most cases, that will be an attempt to compensate. Since bias is subconscious in nature, it is impossible to match compensation to influence. I will try not to over or under-compensate, but this is something that will ultimately be unavoidable.

Now that I have the basic concept, I will add a little. The pros and cons should be divided by topics that some people might value more than others so that they can jump to their preferences. I will try to provide a score for each of these topics.

I'm not always good at developing ideas without basis. How am I supposed to find something to review? I simply went back to my list of defining beliefs where I insisted that self-evaluations can always lead to improvement. I decided to review myself.

For my review of myself, I selected the following categories:
Happiness Happiness is the ultimate goal in life. This reflects my general quality of life thanks to my current situation and environment
Raw Ability This is what I am capable of doing. Without ability, I would be restricted and lack the potential for a better life
Confidence The feeling that my strengths compared to my weaknesses can result in a good life
Hope The idea that things can and will improve for the future
Comfort Having an environment that will allow me to live my life the way that I want
Social How I'm treated by the people around me, including those who I don't know
Past The impact that earlier years of life have on me
Present My current situation without regards to my past or possible future
Future What I expect my life to become in the future and my long-term possibilities
The review can be found at:


While one of the purposes for this exercise was to prepare for future exercises, do not worry about keeping your approach to reviews consistent with your idea. You can certainly improve your idea and adapt to different subjects to review.

Feel Free to Comment

Now that this exercise has concluded, feel free to share any thoughts that you had regarding results, your approach, and any other ideas that popped into your head regarding this exercise.

About Sharing

Anyone using any specific review that I write should give me credit. I will not demand credit for anyone else’s reviews written in the style that I put together. Unless otherwise specified, similar guidelines should apply to solutions from other contributors.

Upon completion of this exercise, please fill out the following form:


Responses to the above form are collected and stored in a spreadsheet that can be viewed at:


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