Sunday, July 1, 2012

Exploding Apples in Kodu

The Task

Create code for exploding apples using the Kodu Game Lab.

By pressing a key on the keyboard or a button on a controller, a user-controllable character should launch an apple that explodes.


Kodu Game Lab is a simplistic programming language that can be downloaded for free at

An Xbox 360 version is available for 400 Microsoft Points. For Americans, that translates to five dollars. This version of Kodu Game Lab can be found with their Indie Games, or you can visit

Like my weather index, this challenge was not originally my idea. I was helping someone else who wanted to accomplish this task. I did not know the answer, so I had to figure it out for myself.

Feel Free to Comment

Try to find your own unique approach and share what you are doing in the comments section. These comments can help you and others find new ideas to explore. If you are desperate enough and can't figure out how to accomplish this task, you can always ask. I do not provide space to those who visit my blog. If you would like to share any files, you are going to have to find your own online storage. At that point, you can provide links with your comments.


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