Saturday, September 1, 2012

Review the weather for one week in September

The Task

Review the weather for one week in September. Spend time outdoors and try to enjoy the weather each day, even if you normally wouldn't like the weather. If there are legitimate health concerns relating to the weather, you should make an exception and spend time indoors. When the month is over, try to figure out what you have learned about your handling of various weather conditions. If there are time concerns, you have one full month to review seven days. Just try not to select the days based off of the weather.

What to Forget

Try to forget that you don't enjoy certain types of weather. Your opinions could have been influenced by others and inhibit your ability to get the best out of a day that you might actually like.

Try to forget the forecast. This exercise is meant to convince you to rethink your opinions. Picking the "best" weather for each day will not provide sufficient variety. An exception can be made if there are legitimate health concerns relating to the weather. Also, knowing how "good" the weather is supposed to be can influence how good the weather actually feels to you.


The purpose of this exercise is to get you to rethink your opinions. The reviews can certainly be replaced since they are being use primarily as a mechanism to get you to spend time outdoors.

While I feel that enjoying the weather has benefits, I would like to remind people that the weather can develop legitimate health risks. Make sure that you play it safe. If it's warm and sunny, make sure to use sun block. If you feel the weather getting to you, find a safe place to recover. If you are in the middle of a thunderstorm, you do not want to be outside.

I don't want anyone to structure their lives based off of this one exercise. Try to find a seamless way to work this exercise into your daily life. Schedule your time outdoors around your obligations and your normal life rather than in place of them. In some cases, you can even make your normal life part of this exercise. For example, those who live close to work can walk instead of drive.

Most people have never bothered to actually form their own opinions regarding the weather. We hear that warm and sunny is pleasant so much that we tend to accept the opinion as fact. Additionally, most people don't bother to acknowledge that ideal weather conditions will vary depending on what you are doing. Spend some time exercising and some time relaxing. Try to form your opinions separately for each.

Even if you don't feel like your existing opinions were influenced, your past could be hindering the present and future. People change. Although I already spend quite a bit of time outside regardless of the weather with opinions that I feel are my own, I am not avoiding this exercise. You shouldn't either.

Feel Free to Comment

Although I highly recommend that you do NOT turn to comments to share opinions that could influence others, sharing ideas can allow you to evolve and refine your ideas once you have developed a foundation.


Related Exercises

Redevelop the concept of a review

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