Sunday, March 15, 2015

Follow-up: Create a belief system for the word/phrase…

This exercise was originally posted at:

The Task

Create some system to explain how you believe motives work for people.

Random Words/Phrases

Belief Systems, Motives

My Creation

Ultimately, our motives can all be viewed as selfish. We are always making decisions to benefit ourselves. I have come up with a list of what kinds of things we are driven by.


Most people have a strong desire for money and possessions, usually in hopes that these things can provide a better life. This can be in the form of a quick buck or long-term money-making schemes. Although greed is not an honorable motivator, specifics of greed can be highly variable. Some people might resort to robberies while others could try to sell unique inventions.


It's a far better life to be in control than be under the control of others. The specific extent can be highly variable. Some people want to have as much power as possible. Others just want to live their own lives. Like greed, power is not an honorable motivator.


Many people like to be the center of attention. The world has to bow to them. They may not want the influence from power, but they have to be the center of attention.


Deep down, most people want to help make the world a better place. We actually feel better when we make sacrifices for others. This is usually a stronger influence than most people think. There are a lot of things we won't do because we know they are wrong, and a lot of things we do for others because they make us feel good. This good feeling has us doing things that appear to be for others. Of all motivators, this is probably the most honorable.


Sometimes, we make decisions to avoid a negative consequence. This can be good or bad. We might not risk bettering ourselves out of fear of the unknown, but fear of prison could keep some people from harming others. Religions use fear in both ways. They try to promote basic morals, but most also promote intolerance. People go with these things because they fear the consequences in the afterlife.


Nobody wants others to look down on them. We will occasionally take actions meant to become more accepted by the general community. To avoid ridicule, there are also things we don't do.


We take some actions in hopes of getting something in return. Basically, I'm talking about favors. Technically speaking, I could have omitted this category. This is actually a mechanic where we make sacrifices is some motivational categories because we feel that we will gain more in return.

And how do these work?

People have at least some desire for all of the categories mentioned. When a decision needs to be made, people quickly evaluate the personal benefits. The specific values for the various categories will not always be viewed the same. Some people with strong consciences might disagree with which choice is better for others. The influence of the various categories is also highly variable between different individuals. Some people want enough money to survive while others want as much money as they can get. Obviously, different people will end up making different choices.

How about some quick examples?

How do politics work? A lot of people conform to a political platform because the parties can help them get into an elected position. Most politicians are driven by power.

In recent years, I have heard "un-American" thrown around a lot as an insult. The insult is actually quite weak. It work because people fear the label.

Peer pressure is essentially people worrying about the respect from their peers. If they don't conform, they will become outcasts. This can be misguided as respect from people outside of their peer group can be diminished. Another factor is that there is a hope that if they fit in with their peers, their peers will provide some benefits in return.

In school, most people ultimately do the work to graduate. Since we are told that we need extensive schooling for well-paying jobs, a lot of people are motivated by greed. Influential positions also require schooling. This makes power a potential motivator. Grades can inflate egos for those who view themselves as intelligent (even though grades clearly do not reflect intelligence). It is also nearly impossible to see any kind of respect if you have the dropout label attached. Due to emotional abuse, a lot of people fear the consequences of failing. I have repeatedly stated that emotional abuse is the primary motivational tools of teachers. The largest motivator against the schools is conscience since those who care about doing the right thing are not going to support the destructive elements of the process.

Feel Free to Comment

Now that this exercise has concluded, feel free to share any thoughts that you had regarding results, your approach, and any other ideas that popped in your head regarding this exercise.

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