Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Follow-up: Who are you?

This exercise was originally posted at:

The Task

Answer the question: Who are you?

This is the most fundamental question for self-exploration. As with all questions regarding self-exploration, this question is more challenging and more valuable if you are honest with yourself.

My Answer

I am a social outcast as a result of my refusal to allow others to tell me what to think and believe.


Most people view themselves as individuals, but they are heavily influenced by the beliefs and opinions of others. I could have easily said, "I am a free-thinking individual." The problem with that answer is that even though I view that as different from everybody else, a lot of people (including numerous mindless drones) would say the exact same thing. I felt like I had to come up with an answer along those lines, but something that emphasizes how this makes me different. That is why I mentioned being a social outcast. Most people will conform to the thoughts of others for fear of risking their social status.

I actually worried that my sentence was too positive. Like all people, I have my share of problems. I just don't feel that any specific problems with myself (as opposed to society) effectively describe who I am. If I'm trying to share who I am, it's far easier to share something that I really like about myself rather than numerous smaller flaws. This is especially true considering the one sentence limitation and the realization that there will be further exercises to address my flaws.

Feel Free to Comment

Now that this exercise has concluded, feel free to share any thoughts that you had regarding results, your approach, and any other ideas that popped in your head regarding this exercise.

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