Thursday, November 1, 2012

Are you happy?

The Task

Answer the question: Are you happy?

In many ways, happiness is the ultimate goal in life. Unfortunately, most people don't actually know if they are happy. We are bombarded so much with what we should think that whether or not we consider ourselves happy has more to do with outside influences rather than our actual feelings. We need to look past those influences so that we can understand ourselves.


This is a deceptively tricky question. Most people who think that they are happy are not truly happy, and it's always possible that people who have been convinced to be miserable are in better shape than they realize. When answering, please be honest with yourself.

Feel Free to Comment

I would appreciate it if answers to the above question are posted in the comments section. Although the question was posted to help you understand yourself, others can certainly benefit from your answers. They could discover personal characteristics that they might have been previously overlooked. They could also discover new ideas regarding how and where to look to better themselves. Of course, I hope that fear of what others will think will not impair the process of answering the question. I would completely understand if you want to keep your answer to yourself.


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