Friday, February 15, 2013

Follow-up: Create anything based on the Word/Phrase...

This exercise was originally posted at:

The Task

Create anything from the random word/phrase provided.

Random Word/Phrase


My Creation

December 2011 was a bad month, and I decided that venting in a "shmalzy" manner would work for this exercise. I threw in hockey-related frustrations from earlier in the year. I also decided to reverse directions and have something overly positive. I settled on something negative to gush over since I thought that would be a little more interesting. That negative is the end of the world. This also provides an opportunity to have something to talk about that will be less than a year old when I finally post.

The horrible, catastrophic, unbearable year of 2011 is finally over. The Canucks lost in the Stanley Cup finals to the unthinkably nauseating and disgusting Bruins. The disastrous outcome was a sign of things to come as an uncountable number of men throughout the world of hockey lost their lives. The one-two punch of loss of life and loss of Cup guaranteed that 2011 would become the single worst year in the history of the world.

The year would only continue its path down towards the depths of hell. December was a nightmare among nightmares. I had family elsewhere go through a sequence of events that is so horrendous that I don't dare say it out loud. My grandfather joined the already crowded graveyard that 2011 had created. To make matters worse, my modem also joined that graveyard. My modem's death happened to occur on the last day of the year, which forced me to think of it as the last of a long line of tragic events. All negativity came back simultaneously and turned December 31 into the worst day in the history of humanity.

When the world ends on December 21, 2012, I will be absolutely delighted. Never in my life have a had something so wonderful to look forward to. The end of the world will become the pinnacle of my life. With this day coming in the New Year, I finally have reason to rejoice.


As always, I have developed and participated in this exercise about a year before posting. This has resulted in me posting text that is clearly outdated. For those who have been wondering, I never expected that the world would end in 2012. The proof of that is in this exercise. If I really believed that the world would end, there would have been no point in developing an exercise that was meant to be posted after the big day.

Feel Free to Comment

Now that this exercise has concluded, feel free to share any thoughts that you had regarding results, your approach, and any other ideas that popped in your head regarding this exercise.

About Sharing

Anyone referring to my specific creation should give me credit. Unless otherwise specified, similar guidelines should apply to creations from other contributors.


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