Friday, February 1, 2013

Reconsider your opinions regarding your nationality

The Task

Reconsider your opinions regarding your nationality. Try to determine whether or not your country is what you think it is. If not, what is it?

What to Forget

Try to forget the opinions that you have already established regarding your country. Your opinions could have been influenced by the media, propaganda, a widespread sense of national pride, and numerous other factors.
Try to forget that your country is the greatest. This is a common form of bias that can make people look for the good when the good isn’t there, and ignore the bad even when it becomes highly visible.
Try to forget your country’s reputation if that is something that could influence you. If you feel that reputation will not impact your answers, it is acceptable to compare your views of your country to your country’s reputation.


A lot of people want to think that their country is the greatest. This creates a sense of nationalism and bias that can keep you from seeing things for what they really are. While I don’t believe in actively fighting your country and fellow citizens, I do feel that viewing your country objectively can help provide insight on what needs to be improved.
A country is never simple. There is a lot that can be considered for this exercise. I’m not going to demand that anybody provides a detailed analysis of every single aspect of their country. Just try to find a new overall opinion with basis unrelated to what you already believe. That should be sufficient.

Feel Free to Comment

Although I highly recommend that you do NOT turn to comments to figure out how to accomplish this task, sharing ideas will allow you to evolve and refine your ideas once you have developed a foundation.


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