Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Sightings list in Excel

The Task

Create a list of wildlife sightings (fictional sightings are acceptable for this exercise) using spreadsheet software such as Excel. The final list should be larger in both height and width (zooming in can reduce the number of rows and columns required to accomplish this task) than can be properly displayed on your monitor. Adjust settings to improve your ability to read and enter data.


I personally prefer to use a local installation of Microsoft Excel. Microsoft has a free web-based version at
Google also has a free web-based spreadsheet that can be found at

Feel Free to Comment

Try to find your own unique approach and share what you are doing in the comments section. These comments can help you and others find new ideas to explore. If you are desperate enough and can't figure out how to accomplish this task, you can always ask. I do not provide space to those who visit my blog. If you would like to share any files, you are going to have to find your own online storage. At that point, you can provide links with your comments. This particular exercise is intended to help people understand the basics of spreadsheets. If you are already familiar with this type of software, this task might be too easy for you. Please don't resort to macros since they could be confusing to those who are still learning.


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