Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Sharing Your Answers

I have decided to revise how I want people to view sharing of other people’s solutions. I will change the Guidelines page, and I will probably adjust the template for my little after-puzzle surveys. Also remember that mental exercises prior to 2014 went by guidelines that had been worded differently. Old guidelines can be found at:


The general usage guideline: People should be able to freely use concepts being shared but not the specific work.

When sharing your solutions to these mental exercises: Keep in mind that you are posting publicly. I can make no guarantees when it come to protecting your work, and there is no way to effectively prohibit private usage of any of your work.  If you want to deviate from the general usage guideline, make sure to mention how you want people to handle sharing your solutions. Also, please try to be fair whenever you have a dispute with someone over how your solution is being used.

When using solutions from others: If the solution does not explain how to share, follow the general usage guideline. If the solution does explain how to share, follow that explanation. Try to use common sense. If you get into a dispute with the person who created the solution, try to be fair.

Options for specifying

When general usage guideline is specified: These solutions follow the general usage guideline.

When No Restrictions is specified: These solutions are essentially public domain. The person who provided the solution has no intentions of going after anybody for misuse. You can use the specific work provided, but I still strongly suggest that you provide credit.

When Permission Required is specified: Even when sharing concepts (unless they are too broad to be associated with an individual), you should contact the person who created the solution for permission.

When Do Not Share is specified: While you can extract certain ideas from the solution and use the work in personal projects, you should never publicly share anything (unless it is too broad to be associated with an individual) from one of these solutions.

When anything else is specified: Respect the wishes of the person whose solution was provided. Some people might provide links for their usage guidelines. I can’t guarantee the security of those links, but you should not use any of their work unless you read their guidelines.

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