Thursday, May 15, 2014

Follow-up: Create anything based on the Word/Phrase... II

This exercise was originally posted at:

The Task

Create anything from the random word/phrase provided.

Random Word/Phrase


My Creation

I struggled with this one a little. When looking at the word, I noticed a few things. For starters, we have the letter A. A lot of variant on the horse such as the sawhorse take the general shape of the letter. Before the A is a U. A U could be transformed into a saddle. There are two letters after the A that could be used as feet. The remaining EQ and IT are both two-letter combinations that could be balanced on the sides of the saddle.

I created a very generic horse shape out of the word, but that wasn’t enough. It seemed too basic for this exercise, and Equitant really should include something riding the horse. Since I was already using letters, text seemed like the logic solution to my problem.

I do not ride horses. I didn’t want my text to be wrong or offensive to those who enjoy Equitant lifestyles. I decided to take a semi-metaphorical route. Instead of writing about horse, I tried to write about my beliefs about controlling your own lives in a manner that could sound like I was talking about horses. Of course, the equestrian community might still have issues with my comments since I say that it’s more fulfilling to walk than to ride.

I also had another concern. I have the word Equitant written in a way that does not fit the rest of the text but clearly comes after. Some people might read it as part of the text while others might not. The final sentence had to work with or without the final word.

My finished document can be found at:

Feel Free to Comment

Now that this exercise has concluded, feel free to share any thoughts that you had regarding results, your approach, and any other ideas that popped in your head regarding this exercise.

About Sharing

Anyone referring to my specific creation should give me credit. Unless otherwise specified, similar guidelines should apply to creations from other contributors.

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