Thursday, May 1, 2014

Redesign the news

The Task

Redesign how the news works. Figure out how you think the news should work and explain the basics of your ideas.

What to Forget

Try to forget how the news is currently delivered because you shouldn’t limit your options.
Try to forget what is currently considered newsworthy because what’s newsworthy to you might not be newsworthy to someone else. This is an issue with individuality. What’s newsworthy is a matter of opinion. Try to figure out how to address newsworthiness.
Most importantly, try to forget what the media has told you about the media.


Obviously, I'm not going to ask for anyone to actually follow through in replacing the news with your personal ideas. Your solution to this exercise doesn't need to go into too much depth, particularly regarding such things as implementation. If you successfully form your own ideas, your solution should not perfectly match the present approach or anyone else's.  

Feel Free to Comment

Although I highly recommend that you do NOT turn to comments to figure out how to accomplish this task, sharing ideas will allow you to evolve and refine your ideas once you have developed a foundation.


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