Friday, August 1, 2014

Create a simple checklist in Excel

The Task

Create a simple checklist with daily, weekly, and monthly tasks in a spreadsheet program such as Excel. Columns should reflect the Frequency, Task, Date Completed, and Status (a provided formula to quickly display whether or not the item has been completed). Among the features that you should use are copying and pasting, filling, and find and replace. If you are already familiar with Excel, you may want to skip this beginner exercise.

If you want, you can read ahead and perform these tasks out of order.
Create 24 daily entries for reaching every hour of the day (no real task, essentially saying that you have survived long enough to mark the task as completed). I will be nice and provide you with the first half of the day below:
Reach 12:00 AM
Reach 1:00 AM
Reach 2:00 AM
Reach 3:00 AM
Reach 4:00 AM
Reach 5:00 AM
Reach 6:00 AM
Reach 7:00 AM
Reach 8:00 AM
Reach 9:00 AM
Reach 10:00 AM
Reach 11:00 AM
For weekly, we are going to have a task for each day of the week. We’re not even going to bother with additional text. It will be “Sunday” through “Saturday.”
For monthly tasks, we will say, “Get through day” and then a numerical value. Since it’s August, we will need “Get through day 1” through “Get through day 31.”
For the final component of this exercise, you are going to have to make sure everything is where it needs to be. Status should be stored in column D (the letter shown above the column). More importantly, the date completed column should be column C. You should have headers in the first row, and the second row needs to be the starting location for the actual data.
In cell D2 (Column D & Row 2… or just type D2 in the name box. If you hold Ctrl and press Home, this box will show A1.) copy the following formula:
Fill this formula down and play around with the Date Completed column. Anything entered will complete the task. Deleting the date completed will make the task incomplete.


This exercise was designed more to explain Excel fundamentals than to provide a legitimate checklist for you to use. If you are stumped, you can search for articles by pressing F1 in Excel. You can also ask for help in the comments section. As I wrote earlier, those who are familiar with Excel can skip this exercise.
As a bit of a side note, I would like to point out that my sightings list exercise was originally meant as an exercise to familiarize people with the basics of Excel. While that exercise is still very basic (even more so than this one), I had ideas on how to expand. Instead of viewing it as a beginner exercise, I viewed it as the start of a bigger project.

Feel Free to Comment

I do not provide space to those who visit my blog. If you would like to share any files, you are going to have to find your own online storage. At that point, you can provide links with your comments. This particular exercise is intended to help people understand the basics of spreadsheets. If you are already familiar with this type of software, this task might be too easy for you. Please don't resort to macros since they could be confusing to those who are still learning.


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