Friday, August 15, 2014

Follow-up: What are your defining beliefs?

This exercise was originally posted at:

The Task

Answer the question: What are your defining beliefs?

Come up with a list of beliefs that help define who you are. Try to find the reason behind how you act and what shapes your thoughts and opinions. Ideally, these beliefs should be able to stand the test of time. If a big part of your life deals with something you don’t like about the modern world (or do like), it’s better to explain why rather than say what you like or dislike. Things change, and you don’t want to define yourself by an opinion that might not be valid any more (although your beliefs can and should evolve over time, which is another way to potentially invalidate defining beliefs).

My Answer

My list of Defining Beliefs has been available on my personal blog since January 1, 2011. I wanted to involve myself in this exercise, but I already update when I feel that I need more. I decided to add a single entry to my list. I will probably add a post to my personal blog to match my handling of previous defining beliefs. Here is my newest defining belief:

  • Nobody will ever be better at being you than you.

There are a lot of people who say that you should find what you are the best at. I prefer a broader view of this concept. There is an infinite number of components to individuality. You might be able to find people who are better than you in regard to these components, but nobody will be able to reach your level on all of these infinite components. In other words, I can guarantee that I am better than you at some things and that you are better than me at some things.

I am a big believer in individual rights. I feel that being the best at being you is something special and something that should be embraced. I also feel that we should not only acknowledge our differences, but utilize those differences in our pursuit of becoming the best that we can be.

Here is my updated list of Defining Beliefs:

  • Self-evaluations can always lead to improvement.
  • Mindlessness is my biggest fear.
  • It is better to be a good person than appear to be a good person.
  • Neutrality is impossible.
  • In the ideal world, no two people are alike.
  • Thought should not be restricted by words.
  • The first time is more valuable than the hundredth.
  • A common belief among all is not proof.
  • True knowledge does not exist.
  • Teaching and learning refer to the same process.
  • Happiness is the ultimate goal in life.
  • You have to be in a situation to know how you would deal with it.
  • Intelligence cannot be measured.
  • Who I am is more important than what I am.
  • Those who want to learn should be allowed to do so with as little restriction as possible.
  • The present and future are more valuable than the past.
  • You should never rely on others to tell you how you prefer to do things.
  • Nobody will ever be better at being you than you.


Feel Free to Comment

Now that this exercise has concluded, feel free to share any thoughts that you had regarding results, your approach, and any other ideas that popped in your head regarding this exercise.


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