Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Follow-up: Create a structured text based on the word/phrase…

This exercise was originally posted at:

The Task

Create a text with the structure explained below from the random word/phrase provided.
There will be three stanzas with 5 lines. In these stanzas, the first, third, and fifth lines should contain 11 syllables. The second and fourth should contain four syllables. A fourth and final stanza should finish off the text with two lines. The first should be 11 syllables, and the second should be 4. Keep in mind that this is not an exercise to find a 138-syllable text. Choice of line breaks and what fits each stanza should make at least some sense.
In the end, the syllables for each line should be:
11 Syllables
4 Syllables
11 Syllables
4 Syllables
11 Syllables
11 Syllables
4 Syllables
11 Syllables
4 Syllables
11 Syllables
11 Syllables
4 Syllables
11 Syllables
4 Syllables
11 Syllables
11 Syllables
4 Syllables

Random Word/Phrase


My Creation

I don't watch much television anymore
Any network
Broadcast TV and cable show nothing good
We do have PBS, but they're not my style
Do local public channels interest me?
I would say no
They are public service, not entertainment
Not what I want
Like PBS, I rarely watch their programs
There is another pubcaster I can watch
That's CBC
They have some value, especially with sports
From Canada
Only good hockey, Olympics coverage
If you want sports, CBC is the lone choice
For the US


I don’t watch much television that could be viewed as Pubcasters. CBC seemed to fit the definition. Since they are the only ones I’m familiar with, I had to include them in this structured text.

Upon completion of this exercise, please fill out the following form:
Responses to the above form are collected and stored in a spreadsheet that can be viewed at:

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