Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Review political parties


Review at least three political parties. Try to find how the various parties reflect what you truly believe. By requiring three parties, you will have to review at least one third party.

What to Forget

Try to forget your current political preferences because they will make it more difficult to see the pros of parties you dislike on cons of parties you like. Try to forget what your party believes in because a lot of people can be swayed by their parties. This exercise should not be about what they think, but what you think. Try to forget about the people you associate most with a party because you likely have strong feelings that do not necessarily reflect the party as a whole (although big names will generally be unavoidable).


If you write these reviews with an open mind, you should find things you like about a party you hate and things you hate about a party you like. No individual will perfectly match any political party’s beliefs. To help with this exercise, you can turn to your list of defining beliefs to establish some of the things you’re looking for.

Feel Free to Comment

Although I highly recommend that you do NOT turn to comments to figure out how to accomplish this task, sharing ideas will allow you to evolve and refine your ideas once you have developed a foundation.

Related Exercises

Review the weather for one week in September
Redevelop the concept of a review


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