Thursday, January 1, 2015

Changes for 2015

I'm making one fairly big change and one smaller change. Like last year, I'm going to copy and paste from my main evaluation on my personal blog.

As planned, I will be removing Rethink exercises and adding a new category. That category will be known as Missing Pieces. I don't want to replace the page for Rethink until Missing Pieces exercises have begun. For now, I will share the description that I was planning. I will have to update the poll.

I am also altering the order. The new exercises have similarities to both Puzzles and Random Creativity exercises. I don't want them immediately before or after either. Here's the new order: 

  1. Self-exploration
  2. Missing Pieces
  3. Challenge
  4. Random Creativity
  5. Puzzle

The only other planned change is that I don't think I can make interesting exercises for PowerPoint/presentation software in my Challenge posts. I made one, and I believe that's the one posted today. I didn't find it to be an interesting exercise, and I have no plans for a second.
Missing Pieces - Description
These exercises combine pieces of puzzles and random creativity exercises. A random word or phrase will be provided as well as other random information. Look for a way to complete the project to reflect the random word or phrase. The idea behind these exercises is that puzzles are among the most popular forms of mental exercises. These exercises should take a similar mentality while still encouraging you to come up with your own ideas.

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