Thursday, January 15, 2015

Follow-up: What are your goals in life?

This exercise was originally posted at:

The Task

Answer the question: What are your goals in life?
Try to come up with some long-term goals for such things as what you want to accomplish in life and how you define success. While you can include vocational goals, those are usually overdone. I would prefer to see some more personal goals, especially in regards to becoming the person that you want to be. As with all questions regarding who you are, this question is more challenging and more valuable if you are honest with yourself.

My Answer

I have already posted several goals on my personal blog. I have linked each of those goals with the post describing the goal.
Of course, it’s not fair for me to ask you to do a challenge and then use my previous work to avoid it. I have to add at least one more. How’s this?
  • I need to fall in love with activities that I have never tried.
I have said before that I don’t fear change. I struggle with the response to change. What this means is that I basically am interested in trying new things but generally don’t because people make a big deal out of everything. I’m not a social creature, and I really don’t like attention.
At some point, I need to overcome this fear of the response to change. I need to start trying new things. In fact, that’s already been posted on my personal blog as a Desired Change. I also repeated those changes here on my mental exercise blog. If I am successful in making this change, new interests should develop. This is a goal that is a positive consequence of success in improving myself as a person.


Since this answer features a new goal that fits with a series of posts on my personal blog, I have created a new post there as well. It is essentially repeating the explanation seen above, so anyone visiting that blog will likely encounter text that can also be seen above.

Feel Free to Comment

Now that this exercise has concluded, feel free to share any thoughts that you had regarding results, your approach, and any other ideas that popped in your head regarding this exercise.

Upon completion of this exercise, please fill out the following form:
Responses to the above form are collected and stored in a spreadsheet that can be viewed at:

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