Saturday, June 1, 2013

Create a picture from the word/phrase...

The Task

Create a picture from the random word/phrase provided.

Random Word/Phrase

Thomas Short


I have to admit that I wasn’t too thrilled with the random Wikipedia entry that I bumped into. Due to the nature of these exercises, I felt that it was best to keep an entry that could throw me off because pushing unfamiliar and perhaps uncomfortable exercises was always meant to be a component of the Random Creativity exercises.
Try to get a photograph that reflects the word or phrase. If the random word is something unattainable, try to shoot something that you feel represents the word or phrase. If you don't have a camera, you can use any other approach to creating an image.

Feel Free to Comment

Although I highly recommend that you do NOT turn to comments to figure out what you want to try, you can always use comments to help refine your ideas. Once complete, you can share pictures by posting links.


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