Sunday, December 1, 2013

Redefine Education

The Task

Redefine Education based on what it means to you. Write your definition as text.

What to Forget

Forget that people refer to schooling as education because that is not what we are trying to define. Forget how others define education because it is unlikely that you will view education the same way. Forget the widespread belief that schooling meets educational needs because that is an opinion rather than fact.


Keep in mind that most people define education as schooling. Most people also have an alternative meaning that relates to something that they view as a need. I’m looking for definitions related to the need.

If you match someone else's definition word for word, it is almost certain that one of you had been inspired by the other. The purpose of these mental exercises is to think for yourself. I highly recommend making sure that you are not merely repeating someone else.

Feel Free to Comment

You should not rely on others to tell you what a word means to you. I highly recommend that you do NOT turn to comments before establishing a definition, but sharing ideas will allow you to evolve and refine your ideas once you have developed a foundation.


A follow-up to this exercise has been posted.

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