Monday, June 1, 2015

Compare months using a weather index in Excel

The Task

Create a tool for comparing months using a weather index using spreadsheet software such as Microsoft Excel.

Use a weather index such as one created for a previous mental exercise or the weather index I created. Develop a spreadsheet that uses a score for each month and can be used to compare each month with the same month from previous years.


This task expands on a previous exercise, Weather Index in Excel. It is recommended that you complete this exercise before starting this one. If you would like to skip that step or would like to try to perform this task on an additional weather index, it is acceptable to use my solution. If you have visited my personal blog, you have probably seen posts where I have already been making these comparisons. I developed my month comparison tool along with the original exercise.

Feel Free to Comment

Try to find your own unique approach and share what you are doing in the comments section. These comments can help you and others find new ideas to explore. If you are desperate enough and can't figure out how to accomplish this task, you can always ask. I do not provide storage to those who visit my blog. If you would like to share any files, you are going to have to find your own online storage. At that point, you can provide links with your comments. I would like to point out that macros can create security risks. If possible, save all documents as a standard workbook (not macro-enabled) unless macros are vital to your solution. If you are going to download any solutions, make sure that you are not loading macros by default. If a spreadsheet includes macros, check the code before running them.

Related Exercises

Weather Index in Excel


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