Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Send Away #13

The Task

Solve Send Away #13

You are given an empty cell in the middle and must determine which of the eight directions (including diagonals) will result in being sent away to the black cell.

The Puzzle

Send Away #13 PDF


This Send Away is a slight variant. Instead of trying to go off the grid, you want to reach the black cell.

Feel Free to Comment

I always recommend figuring out HOW to solve puzzles with as little assistance as possible. You can still discuss solving tips and solutions if you would like. After you finish your first puzzle of this type, there is no reason to hide from the comments section to share your thoughts and perhaps help anyone who is stumped.

Related Exercises

Create a puzzle from the word/phrase...
Send Away #2-8
Send Away #9
Send Away #10
Send Away #11
Send Away #12


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